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About UIDB

User Experience

Our mission is to provide users with the precise, effortless interface they need to fully appreciate your application idea. We support that with strong full-stack development to provide a powerful back-end.

We make apps more fun to use and complex data systems more accessible and meaningful.

UIDB and User Experience (UX)
UIDB and Cutting-Edge Innovation

Cutting Edge

We're a team of world-class developers and programmers. Some of us have an entrepreneurial background. Others have honed their skills in elite companies from all over the world. We all continuously study new tools to help us stay at the forefront of technology.

We bring together the skills, wit, and experience required to make your project a perfect success.


We constantly contribute to the open-source world and fellow developers.

We bundle our expertise into useful free packages that make life easier for many developers. Integrating React.js with cross-platform development? No problem. Cutting page-load time down to milliseconds? We’ve got it.

We also take on and encourage projects with a social aspect. We’re making a change in the world for the better, one code-line at a time.

UIDB and the Developer Community
UIDB and the Developer Community

Why Work with an Israeli Company?

In a single word: Quality.

Yes, it’s worth every cent. Our professional approach to system development will save you a ton of time and money in the bottom line.

UIDB recruits the best of the best, world-class programmers and project managers who can make your vision happen. We have extensive experience in building ambitious projects the right way from the start, so that they hold up under pressure and serve you for many years to come

The blue-and-white touch is worth its weight in gold.

Our Core Values

ui-db.com - Core Value


We help you develop in-company innovation the right way

ui-db.com - Core Value


We believe a perfect user experience is a must

ui-db.com - Core Value


We turn technical support into a fun pastime

ui-db.com - Core Value


We’re making a change in the world for the better, one code-line at a time.

ui-db.com - Core Value


We’re so perfectly precise that we can almost split a pixel

ui-db.com - Core Value


We practice cutting-edge technological professionalism

UIDB - U & I - Developing & Building

Or Chuban, CEO at UIDB

Or Chuban UIDB Founder

Or is a serial entrepreneur, a full-stack developer with years of experience, and a top-shelf user-experience enthusiast. He brings to the table a rare combination of skills: understanding code, understanding UX, and understanding business management. Under his sharp eye, projects reach maximum quality and get delivered on time.


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