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Armax is an advanced marketplace platform that allows customers to scan their room in 3D and receive a visualization of products directly on their phone. Using artificial intelligence, the platform can match products to the room's design and even place them accurately. Additionally, Armax offers a smart chatbot that guides users in selecting the most relevant products for their needs.


Armax Marketplace

UIDB provides significant support to the Matrix project, ensuring the stability of the system and its compatibility with ongoing technological changes. UIDB performs the necessary maintenance and adjustments accurately and reliably to prevent unnecessary malfunctions and impacts on the existing system.


The goal of the project is to maintain the system’s functionality and upgrade it to ensure its adaptation to the modern technological environment while maintaining stability and high performance.


The project aims to replace the existing application for employees of Cellcom, Dinamica, and Golan with a new application. The main goals include improving user interface and experience, reducing glitches, enhancing application performance, and providing a stable platform for communication with employees. Additionally, it aims to fulfill Cellcom’s responsibilities and obligations effectively.


UIDB’s solution includes ongoing maintenance and system updates to allow for upgrades while preventing malfunctions and ensuring system stability. UIDB focuses on meeting the advanced technological needs of customers while preserving the existing system and ensuring smooth and continuous operation.





  • apple
  • web
  • android
  • react

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